The network of Peace Community Church International affiliates will help you connect with other like-minded people. Find solutions to life while sharing and being a part of community healing circles.

Experience working with PCCI energy. The teleconferences are a great way for PCCI affiliates to experience how Fellowships are run in the community as they follow the same guidelines.

Offering PCCI Fellowships in your home town can be a spiritually rewarding and healing experience. You could include a pot luck fellowship after the meeting. What a wonderful way to grow spiritually and to have fun!

Spirit Call

The Spirit Call: a rejuvenation & reconnect with spirit teleconference call

Join us on the 2nd and 4th Friday of each month for the Spirit Call. It is a wonderful time for yourself and to reconnect with your inner peace and inner love. Sometimes during our daily routines of living we find ourselves becoming stressed, overloaded and overwhelmed. At these times we are removing ourselves from our true beingness and our actions and decisions may not create the kind of situations that are positive and constructive.

There are solutions. Getting back in touch with that good, kind, sharing, loving part, the real part of us, our spirituality, not only changes how we feel, but our ability to handle any situation with ease, make clear decisions, and move into positive constructive action.

How To Attend

  • 2nd and 4th Friday of the month
  • 9:30 pm Eastern Time (USA)
  • 20 minutes healing (physical and spiritual) and inspiration. ALL Welcome
  • Attend with ZOOM Video Conferencing:
     ZOOM Meeting ID: 92372224100
    Password: 774748

The Spirit Call is a source of healing, inspiration, giving, receiving and sharing with others in a clear non-judgmental space. Different affiliates host and co-host the call and share their unique and loving energy. It is open to all as Peace Community Church International is a church without walls; we recognize the uniqueness of each soul, as we experience our oneness with all. Love is Universal. God is Love.

We invite you to call in, participate in the fountain of love, uplift your week and gain a refreshed perspective of living. On this 20 minute call, there are often callers from Australia, Canada as well as all around the United States. It is a simple way to re-attune ourselves to the love within and share with our spiritual brothers and sisters, to experience personal healing and share that healing energy with others.

You do not have to be an affiliate of PCCI to join in, but once you feel this unique energy, you may want to have the backing of the PCCI angels on a regular basis by becoming involved with PCCI affiliations.

Invite others just like you would if the Fellowship was happening in the community.

Healing Call: A Monthly Healing & Fellowship

Join us on the 3rd Sunday of each month for the Healing and Fellowship Teleconference call. It is a wonderful time for yourself and to reconnect with your inner peace and inner love.

Each person announces themselves and the city they are calling from to join with everyone on the call. Everyone relaxes and mentally releases the day, feeling clear and in touch with the higher spirit. Each person checks with their inner guidance (Spirit) if it is their opportunity to host the call, or assist in leading the call. Opportunity is offered to everyone to be involved in the leading of the techniques and meditation as it checks with spirit.

Each participant gets a key inspirational word and mentally sets a goal for themselves for the call. There is a brief inspirational reading or scripture for meditation. A technique for participation is presented. After the technique is experienced, each person shares what they experienced. A healing technique is introduced for those on the call or by proxy. Care is taken that the proxy healing has been requested. There is a world cleansing, announcements, and a final regrouping of what each person learned and received from their experience.

This call is a more in depth participation for healing.

How To Attend

  • 3rd Sunday of every month
  • 8:00 pm Eastern Time (USA)
  • 45 minutes healing (physical and spiritual) and inspiration. ALL Welcome
  • Attend with ZOOM Video Conferencing:
     ZOOM Meeting ID: 92372224100
    Password: 774748